Wednesday, February 9, 2011

From Limping to Leaping; Teaching the system to dance

Below are some of the topics I've considered writing about.  What are your thoughts?

Benefits to Reduced Rewards:  Helping systems self-sustain
From Limping to Leaping:  Teaching the system to dance
Designing for Personality:  People scaled progress
The Profit Primacy Pitfall
Building New Banks:  Keeping it local, keeping it human, keeping it good.
Profits to the People:  Doing good with local loans
Ending the national ponzi scheme of interest:  Fixing the missing interest loophole
Ending Interest:  Closing the loop with community cash
Stocking Up on Wealth:  Barter Banks Make Wealth Without Interest
Avoiding Fixations:  Examining the roots as well as the trees
Making Real Money:  Assets as Deposits and Time for Cash
Burgeoning Bottom Lines Building Community Health
Creating Virtuous Circles:  Rewarding real wealth creation
Rewarding Rational, Realistic, Robust and Human Scaled Progress
Bonuses, Benefits and Dividends, rewarding ALL the stakeholders
Rationally Reducing Expectations:  Rewarding mindful, progressive and conservative action

The case for working within existing systems

Everywhere people are, problems are too. 
This is not pessimistic, it is realistic in the truest sense of the word.  It's an essence of being human.  As long as we continue to grow and change, we will invent systems for our support – in fact, we can’t live without them.  Instead of vilifying our early attempts at systems (which actually embody a number of robust, even ingenious solutions), we must instead honor the intent of the systems, appreciate the entire reality of why some seemingly imperfect solutions may be appropriate in an imperfect world (Don’t try to eat a year’s worth of food in one meal), and accept and work within the natural forms that are most suited to exceptional outcomes.
It's a little bit about humility, a little bit about the turtle's race, and a lot about our children.
That's why I support the food movements - the sustainable foods movement, the local foods movement, the organic movement - each one of these embodies a greater understanding of how we are connected to the world arround us.  Each one offers a piece of a larger solution, which is best learned by living within that solution.
Small steps, big goals.